You Are Amazing!

You really can have the life you want, as long as you don’t entertain any doubts. You must keep believing, and never stop.
Your mind is the window through which you see the world. If you impose too many mental constraints on yourself, or have too many negative thoughts about your future, you’ll only create harmful vibrations that will undermine your success in all areas of your life.
You have no limits except those your mind imposes. Keep your mind as open as possible, and never doubt you can succeed and make your wishes come true.
The projects and dreams you now have were inspired by your inner nature. That means they’re all within your reach.
You’re the only one who can turn them into reality. Rely only on yourself, no one else. Do whatever you can each day to create the life you desire, and it will eventually happen. There’s no doubt about it.
Your mind, like your life, has no limits.
If you have a number of projects to work on, organize them in order of importance, and don’t disperse your energy on too many things at the same time.
When you’ve completed your list of desires and organized them into a hierarchy, start with the one at the bottom of the list, and try to accomplish it.
When it’s done, move up to the second task on your list, then the third, and so on.
Nourish your thoughts with the positive energy of your deepest desires. The more intense the energy is, the more motivated you’ll be, and the more success you’ll have.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Develop Your mind: Say Thank You!

Abundance really isn`t that difficult to attain. Most people see it as a huge mountain to climb, and don`t know how to go about it. There are many paths you can take, but two very effective ones are practicing positive thinking, and following the path of thankfulness!

Everyone wants a life of abundance. Love, wealth, health, material possessions, happiness… these are things everyone strives for. But too often what we want remains only a wish, since most people don`t know how to bring abundance into their lives. They think it`s very complicated, reserved for the fortunate few.

To Profit From Abundance You Need To Believe In It 

If you really want to profit from the abundance you deserve, and which is waiting for you on the astral plane, you first need to get rid of any false ideas you have about what abundance is. Doing that is indispensable, otherwise you’ll be an obstacle on your path to abundance and success. Abundance is much closer than you think. It`s your present state-of-mind, burdened by prejudice and preconceived notions, that separates you from it. That`s all! Sweep away your false ideas, and the path to abundance will open wide before you. In a moment I’ll tell you about an infallible method for doing just that. Then, you won’t have any more excuses for not living in a state of plenitude. If you take a step towards abundance, it will take a hundred steps towards you. But if you don`t do anything to attract abundance into your life, it won`t do anything for you.

Some Essential Reminders

There`s a Cosmic Law that says "Everything requires effort".You absolutely need to abandon the idea that things just miraculously happen in life, and that people who are Lucky and enjoy abundance do so by chance. Luck won`t wait, you need to reach out and grab it! Understanding that Luck can be provoked will help bring abundance into your life, since Luck and abundance are closely linked. Engrave this principle in your mind once and for all: Don`t wait for Luck to happen. Do something to provoke it! Meditating on this principle will favor the attraction of abundance into your life.
The path that leads to abundance is positive thinking.

Positive Thinking Is A Plus 

All you need to do is think positive thoughts as often as possible, throughout the course of the day. Positive words and deeds produce the same positive effects. Positive thoughts purify you of negative energy you’ve created in the past, through your negative thoughts, words and deeds. This negative energy is what is preventing currents of Luck from reaching you, and bringing you the wealth and happiness you deserve. The second way to use positive thinking is to neutralize any negative thoughts you may have. The process consists of formulating affirmations. If you think: ”I`m not capable of doing this” you generate negative energy that, in fact, prevents you from accomplishing your tasks.
But by immediately formulating a contrary affirmation like: ”I am perfectly capable of doing this” you neutralize both the negative thought you had, and the energy it produced, at the same time. You need to get into the habit of thinking positively, and using it to achieve your goals. When you first start practicing you may forget to do it regularly. That takes some time. You`ll need to practice positive thinking at some point, if you really want to make progress on the road to abundance. But there`s another method for attaining abundance, and I`ll tell you about it right now. You`ll be able to use one or the other to bring abundance into your life.

Saying Thank You!

You may use the words thank you every day, but are you aware of their magical power? If you say thank you with the right intention, instead out of habit, the doors to abundance will open wide for you. Starting today, you`re going to use the words thank you in a totally different way than in the past. You can still say it just to be polite, but from now on you need to associate the words `thank you` with personal development, and the attainment of abundance. I call it the ”Path of Thankfulness.” Each time you say thank you, instead of thinking about what you don`t have, concentrate on all that you do have, and on everything that will come to you at some point in future. It`s also called the Path of Plenitude – thanking the Higher Forces for what you have and will obtain, as opposed to the Path of Emptiness, which consists of always complaining about what you don`t have.

Be Thankful For All 

This highly effective but simple process consists of being thankful for everything positive that happens to you in life, from the most minor detail to the most significant event. You can thank whoever you want – God, Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, a spiritual master, a saint, or any remarkable being you may have met. All are representative of the Universal Creative Force. Or you could say thank you in a general way, to no particular being. The least important things you receive that benefit you in some way should be a pretext for stopping for a moment, and saying thank you. If it`s beautiful outside, be thankful it`s not raining. If you find a parking space with no trouble, thank your Luck or the powers that be. Eventually, you`ll forget about the pretexts to be thankful, and concentrate on the main thing: being alive! That`s the most beautiful gift you could ever receive on Earth. Passing an exam, finding a job, being healthy, or recovering from an injury or illness, meeting a friend, receiving a gift, being helped by someone… all are reasons to be thankful. Be humble and show your gratitude for simply being alive.

Worries Prevent Abundance 

I`m not saying you`re going to be instantly surrounded by wealth and happiness, and all your problems will disappear. But if you persevere on the Path of Thankfulness, you`ll gradually see your situation improve, and your troubles vanish. Being consciously thankful for everything you obtain will slowly but surely bring you prosperity and happiness. Don`t think about what being thankful can do for you, or ask for anything in return. The fact is, this path always ends-up producing a shower of benefits. 

It’s a Universal Law… the way things work.

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